TMR0 as a counter, defining new variables, using relay
This time, TMR0 is used as a counter. The idea is to connect the counter input to one pushbutton so that it counts one pulse at a time upon every button press. When the number of counted pulses becomes equal to the number in register TEST, logic one voltage (5V) will be applied to the PORTD, 3 pin. Since this voltage activates an electro-mechanical relay, this bit is called the same- "Relay".In this example, the TEST register contains number 5. Naturally, it could be any number and could be calculated or entered via the keyboard. Instead of a relay, the microcontroller can activate some other device and instead of push-buttons it can use sensors. This example illustrates one of the most common uses of the microcontroller in industry. When something is done as many times as needed, then something else should be switched on or off...
Source Code
;**************************************************************************** ; Header ;**************************************************************************** ;************* DEFINING VARIABLES ******************************************* TEST equ B'00000101' ; Binary number 00000101 = TEST #define RELAY PORTD,3 ; Pin PORTD,3 = RELAY ;************************ MAIN PROGRAM ************************************** org 0x0000 ; Address of the first program instruction banksel TRISB ; Selects bank containing register TRISB clrf TRISB ; All port B pins are configured as outputs clrf TRISD ; All port D pins are configured as outputs movlw B'00010000' ; This number is written to W register movwf TRISA ; Only the forth pin of port A is input banksel OPTION_REG ; Bank containing OPTION_REG register bsf OPTION_REG,T0CS ; Pin RA4 is supplied with pulses bsf OPTION_REG,PSA ; Prescaler rate is 1:1 banksel PORTB ; Selects bank containing PORTB register clrf TMR0 ; Clears timer register bcf PORTD,3 ; Pin PORTD,3 = 0 loop movfw TMR0 ; Timer register is moved to W register movwf PORTB ; W register is moved to PORTB xorlw TEST ; Operation exclusive OR between ; W register and number TEST (00000101) btfsc STATUS,Z ; If numbers are equal, result is 0 and bsf PORTD,3 ; bit STATUS,Z = 1. Bit PORTD,3 is set goto loop ; and jump to label loop is executed end ; End of program