RS232 serial communication
This example illustrates the use of the microcontroller's EUSART
module. Connection to the PC is enabled through RS232 standard. The
program works in the following way: Every byte received via the serial
communication is displayed using LED diodes connected to port B and is
automatically returned to the transmitter thereafter. If an error occurs
on receive, it will be signalled by switching the LED diode on. The
easiest way to test device operation in practice is by using a standard
Windows program called
Hyper Terminal.
Source Code
;*********************** Header ***************************************
w_temp EQU 0x7D ; Variable for saving W register
status_temp EQU 0x7E ; Variable for saving STATUS register
pclath_temp EQU 0x7F ; Variable for saving PCLATH w register
cblock 0x20 ; Block of variables starts at address 20 h
Port_A ; Variable at address 20 h
Port_B ; Variable at address 21 h
RS232temp ; Variable at address 22 h
RXchr ; Variable at address 23 h
endc ; End of block of variables
ORG 0x0000 ; Reset vector
goto main ; Go to beginning of program (label "main")
ORG 0x0004 ; Interrupt vector address
movwf w_temp ; Save value of W register
movf STATUS,w ; Save value of STATUS register
movwf status_temp
movf PCLATH,w ; Save value of PCLATH register
movwf pclath_temp
; This part of the program is executed in interrupt routine
banksel PIE1
btfss PIE1, RCIE
goto ISR_Not_RX232int
banksel PIE1
btfsc PIR1, RCIF
call RX232_int_proc
movf pclath_temp,w
movwf PCLATH ; PCLATH is given its original value
movf status_temp,w
movwf STATUS ; STATUS is given its original value
swapf w_temp,f
swapf w_temp,w ; W is given its original value
retfie ; Return from interrupt routine
RX232_int_proc ; Check if error has occurred
banksel RCSTA
movf RCSTA, w
movwf RS232temp
btfsc RS232temp, FERR
goto RX232_int_proc_FERR
btfsc RS232temp, OERR
goto RX232_int_proc_OERR
goto RX232_int_proc_Cont
bcf RCSTA, CREN ; To clear FERR bit, receiver is first
; switched off and on afterwards
nop ; Delay ...
movf RCREG, w ; Reads receive register and clears FERR bit
bsf Port_A, 0 ; Switches LED on ( UART error indicator)
movf Port_A, w
movwf PORTA
goto RS232_exit
bcf RCSTA, CREN ; Clears OERR bit
nop ; Delay ...
movf RCREG, w ; Reads receive register and clears FERR bit
bsf Port_A, 1 ; Switches LED on ( UART error indicator)
movf Port_A, w
movwf PORTA
goto RS232_exit
movf RCREG, W ; Reads received data
movwf RXchr
movwf PORTB
movwf TXREG ; Sends data back to PC
return ; Return from interrupt routine
; Main program
banksel ANSEL ; Selects bank containing ANSEL
clrf ANSEL ; All inputs are digital
; Port configuration
banksel TRISA
movlw b'11111100'
movwf TRISA
movlw b'00000000'
movwf TRISB
; Setting initial values
banksel PORTA
movlw b'11111100'
movwf PORTA
movwf Port_A
movlw b'00000000'
movwf PORTB
movwf Port_B
; USART - setting for 38400 bps
banksel TRISC
bcf TRISC, 6 ; RC6/TX/CK = output
bsf TRISC, 7 ; RC7/RX/DT = input
banksel BAUDCTL
banksel SPBRG
movlw .51 ; baud rate = 38400
; ( Fosc/(4*(SPBRG+1)) ) Error +0.16%
movwf SPBRG
banksel TXSTA
bcf TXSTA, TX9 ; Data is 8-bit wide
bsf TXSTA, TXEN ; Data transmission enabled
bcf TXSTA, SYNC ; Asynchronous mode
bsf TXSTA, BRGH ; High-speed Baud rate
banksel RCSTA
bsf RCSTA, SPEN ; RX/DT and TX/CK outputs configuration
bcf RCSTA, RX9 ; Select mode for 8-bit data receive
bsf RCSTA, CREN ; Receive data enabled
bcf RCSTA, ADDEN ; No address detection, ninth bit may be
; used as parity bit
movf RCSTA, W
movf RCREG, W
; Interrupts enabled
banksel PIE1
bsf PIE1, RCIE ; USART Rx interrupt enabled
bsf INTCON, PEIE ; All peripheral interrupts enabled
bsf INTCON, GIE ; Global interrupt enabled
; Remain here
goto $
end ; End of program