Tuesday, January 24, 2006

8051: Example 11

Using four digit LED display

In this example all four displays, instead of two, are active so that it is possible to write numbers from 0 to 9999. Here, the number 1 234 is displayed. After initialization, the program remains in the loop LOOP where digital multiplexing is performed. The subroutine Disp is used to convert binary numbers into corresponding combinations of bits for the purpose of activating display lighting segments.
;* DESCRIPTION : Program displays number"1234" on 7-segment LED display



         DSEG     AT     03FH
STACK_START:      DS     040H

         CSEG     AT     0
         JMP      XRESET                  ; Reset vector

         ORG      100H

XRESET:  MOV      SP,#STACK_START         ; Define Stack pointer

LOOP:    MOV      P1,#0                   ; Turn off all display segments 
         MOV      P3,#20h                 ; Activate display D4
         MOV      A,#04                   ; Write digit 4 on display D4
         LCALL    Disp                    ; Find mask for that digit
         MOV      P1,A                    ; Put the mask on the port
         MOV      P1,#0                   ; Turn off all display segments
         MOV      P3,#10h                 ; Activate display D3
         MOV      A,#03                   ; Write digit 3 on display D3
         LCALL    Disp                    ; Find mask for that digit
         MOV      P1,A                    ; Put the mask on the port
         MOV      P1,#0                   ; Turn off all display segments
         MOV      P3,#08h                 ; Activate display D2
         MOV      A,#02                   ; Write digit 2 on display D2
         LCALL    Disp                    ; Find mask for that digit
         MOV      P1,A                    ; Put the mask on the port
         MOV      P1,#0                   ; Turn off all display segments
         MOV      P3,#04h                 ; Activate display D1
         MOV      A,#01                   ; Write digit 1 on display D1
         LCALL    Disp                    ; Find mask for that digit
         MOV      P1,A                    ; Put the mask on the port
         SJMP     LOOP                    ; Return to the lable LOOP

Disp:                                     ; Subroutine for writing digits
         INC      A
         MOVC     A,@A+PC
         DB       3FH                     ; Digit 0 mask
         DB       06H                     ; Digit 1 mask
         DB       5BH                     ; Digit 2 mask
         DB       4FH                     ; Digit 3 mask
         DB       66H                     ; Digit 4 mask
         DB       6DH                     ; Digit 5 mask
         DB       7DH                     ; Digit 6 mask
         DB       07H                     ; Digit 7 mask
         DB       7FH                     ; Digit 8 mask
         DB       6FH                     ; Digit 9 mask

         END ; End of program